What’s on your Summer reading list?
We’re reading several books at once, like we do. One of them is a GREAT book all about CBD that we cannot recommend more highly*. Comprehensive and easy to read, this CBD book was produced by Reader’s Digest in collaboration with a well respected journalist who specializes in cannabis. Martin Lee is also a founder of the website ProjectCBD which has up to date info on our favorite subject.
We believe CBD to be an essential nutrient because it actually helps support our endocannabinoid system (ECS) - it’s the system that regulates all of our bodily systems. The ECS is involved in nearly every biological process in our bodies including digestion, appetite and metabolism, hormone regulation, emotions, sleep, memory, immunity and more. This essential system becomes dysfunctional through poor nutrition, stress and a sedentary lifestyle, often worsening as we age.
ECS dysfunction underlies nearly all diseases, including cancer and dementia. Always ask your doctors if they know about the ECS, before you ask them if CBD or canna medicine is right for you - otherwise they will not understand how cannabis medicine can be helpful and will likely exaggerate the harms that do exist. Find a knowledgeable canna coach or healthcare pro to work with if you’re new to cannabis as medicine.
We highly recommend adding this book to your library:
According to Dustin Sulak, D.O., founder of HEALER and director of Integr8 Health, “The Essential Guide to CBD effectively cuts through the misinformation surrounding CBD and empowers readers to succeed in using this health-promoting tool. Highly recommended to those who want to try CBD and current users want to optimize their results.”
We couldn't agree more. Here are some notes and quotes from the book.
When sourcing CBD, or any of the hemp* based cannabinoids, remember:
Hemp seed oil contains *zero* CBD
When you do find a quality, pure, potent and third party tested CBD product from hemp, like the products from Lazarus Naturals, HEALER or Myriam's Hemp, you can receive the benefits of the non-impairing cannabinoid. According to this guide:
Cannabidiol (CBD):
Fights free radicals and is a powerful antioxidant
Quells systemic inflammation
Turns on and off genes - ID-1, only found in metastatic cancer cells, is deactivated by CBD; improves zinc regulation which is important in immune function;
Builds brain cells - increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) which improves health of existing brain cells and promotes the growth of new neurons.
Regulates BP and bone density - promotes widening of the blood vessels (vasodilation) which helps lower BP; through another mechanism CBD also prevents osteoporosis
Manages temperature, mood and pain perception - by working with our chemistry it allows the body’s natural molecules to bind with the right receptors allowing us to feel more relaxed - without feeling “high;” CBD binds to serotonin receptor subtypes helping to ease anxiety, improve sleep, prevent nausea and more.
CBD for the Cancer Journey:
CBD silences the ID-1 gene, this gene is active in dozens of cancers
CBD is helpful in fighting glioblastoma, CBD with THC or CBG are also helpful.
CBD deactivates GPR55 - activation of this orphan receptor promotes cancer cell growth blocking GPR55 from signaling could stop cancer reproduction,
CBD doesn't harm healthy cells, and protects them from damage of other treatments.
“Cannabidiol [CBD] kills breast cancer cells and destroys malignant tumors by switching off expression of the ID-1 gene…” p.78
CBD activates a “nuclear receptor known as PPAR-gamma which can prevent cancer cells from reproducing so quickly.” p.79
“CBD acts synergistically with some anticancer pharmaceuticals like Taxotere and bicalutamide, enhancing their impact.” p.79
“CBD was most helpful with ameliorating nausea and vomiting. Many participants also found it helpful for appetite, neuropathy (numbness or tingling) and weakness.” p.82
Canada has Sativex - a 1:1 CBD:THC oral mucosa spray - approved for pain in cancer, neuropathy and spasticity p.82
CBD may “...prevent and treat the disease, alleviate cancer symptoms, and/or lessen the severity of cancer treatment side effects like nausea. Research finds that CBD along with THC can make chemotherapy more effective, thereby reducing the amount of chemo necessary. Keep in mind that cannabinoids can inhibit enzymes like CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, which are responsible for metabolizing chemotherapy drugs. By inhibiting those enzymes, it’s possible to end up with more chemotherapy drugs in your system that the intended does. That’s why it’s important that you work with your doctor if you want to use CBD-rich cannabis oil while undergoing chemo for cancer.” p.82
If you or a loved one is on a healing journey, we highly recommend getting this book and using CBD, of course. It’s great for care partners, too. (If you’re drug tested for work, we recommend using beta-caryophyllene from Dr. Phillip Blair - a post for another day. Or take time off.)
If you’re new to cannabis as medicine and would like a coach, please don’t hesitate to find a time that works for you:
#ProjectCBD #EssentialGuideToCBD #SummerReadingList #CBD #cancer #cannabiskillscancer #health #healing #mandateECSeducation #endocannabinoidsystem #punintended
* Hemp is a term used for cannabis containing 0.3 percent or less THC by dry weight, a definition proposed in 1979 to distinguish it from cannabis based on its low psychoactive potential, and this threshold became incorporated into the legal definition of hemp in the United States in 2018.